Reputation Institute names Mary Kay Inc.’s David Holl among top 10 most reputable CEOs in the world.
Our company’s founder and legendary businesswoman, Mary Kay Ash, famously said, “the speed of the leader is the speed of the gang.” Her words of inspiration still ring true today – a leader sets the tone for an organization and drives others towards success.
Reputation Institute, the world’s leading provider of reputation management, named Mary Kay Inc. Chairman and CEO David Holl among the top 10 most reputable chief executive officers in the world in its 2019 CEO RepTrak® study.
“David’s leadership and operational expertise since being named CEO in 2006 has contributed significantly to Mary Kay’s success,” said Richard R. Rogers, son of Mary Kay Ash and Executive Chairman for Mary Kay Inc. “Mary Kay is a brand born of purpose, and David’s steadfast commitment to our founding values has made him a truly extraordinary chief executive officer and people leader.”
Acting responsibly, behaving ethically and caring about social issues are the most important drivers of CEO reputation, according to the CEO RepTrak® study. In fact, according to Reputation Institute’s findings, CEOs are more likely to be judged on ethics versus profit margins. At most companies, P&L means profits and losses – but at Mary Kay, it stands for people and love.
We congratulate David Holl on this esteemed accolade and for continuing to lead our company with integrity and a commitment to social responsibility!
David Holl, Chairman and CEO for Mary Kay Inc.