Latin American market celebrates five successful years after expansion into Colombia
Happy 5th Anniversary to Mary Kay Colombia! On March 13, 2015, Mary Kay Colombia opened its doors to a vibrant, energetic sales force eager to jump into this exciting opportunity! “We are proud to expand our operations in Latin America with the opening of Mary Kay Colombia,” said David Holl, President and Chief Executive Officer for Mary Kay Inc. “Since Mary Kay opened in Brazil in 1998 we have seen extraordinary growth and we anticipate a successful launch in Colombia as its economy continues to thrive, the demand for high quality products increases
Thanks to the help of Mary Kay independent sales force members from the U.S. and Mexico, Colombian independent sales force members received mentoring and a new opportunity to help enrich the lives of women across the country. We are proud to see them going strong! and entrepreneurship strengthens.”
Global Corporate Executives and local market leadership cut ceremonial ribbon at Mary Kay Colombia opening in March 2015.
Wishing Colombia a Happy 5th Anniversary and many more years of success!